DCS TELECOM to Provide Saudi Capabilities with VSAT Services
DCS TELECOM is proud to announce the agreement with Saudi Capabilities (former Al Faris Co.) to provide Dedicated VSAT Capacity to one of its VIP customers in Saudi Arabia
Al Faris establishment for ICT Was founded in 2003 to provide services and solutions with the required efficiency and experience for customers. The company’s progress and growth in information technology and communication was remarkable in the past three years. Then the company has acquired new name“Saudi Capabilities Company”. Till they reached the year 2008, they cooperated internationally with major production and manufacturing companies internationally, they partnered with International strategic partners in different sectors.
DCS TELECOM will provide this capacity using Comtech SCPC & iDirect cutting edge Satellite Telecommunication technology available to fulfil end customer requirements for sensitive applications
For more information about this project, please email us at: int.projects.followup@dcstelecom.us