DCS TELECOM introducing the all-new EPAK Maritime Coastal Connectivity 4G/VSAT System
DCS TELECOM as an authorized distributor of the well-known German company EPAK is proud to announce the launch of the new EPAK Coastal Connectivity 4G/VSAT & 4G/TVRO
This smart solution is simply filling the gap that affects all maritime customers when its near to cost vs performance while vessels/yachts are in coastal waters but they have to use the VSAT link while they have GSM signal on their mobile phones but they don’t have a way to use the GSM on the vessel/yacht network, and sometimes even the GSM network is not strong enough to sustain a good performance so they will have to switch back and forth manually.

This system is also suitable for coastal vessels/yachts who are in need of using 4G/3G connectivity only, while they enjoy a TVRO system without the need to have a maritime VSAT system/service
For more information about this product or placing orders please email: sales@dcstelecom.us or phone: +1 302 200 9705