Europe, Middle East, Atlantic KA-Band Service Packages
Please choose a service from the following:
General Terms & Conditions for North Sea EPAK KA-Band Services:
Contract Terms:
- Contracts can be offered in durations of 12, 24, or 36 Months.
- Service Prices are dropping down with longer contract terms
- At the end of the subscription the contract is automatically renewed for further 12 Months, unless the customer terminates the contract in writing with 3 Months prior notice.
- In case of hardware leasing; The ownership of the VSAT DSi9 and all other equipment came with it remains with EPAK®.
- Buy out option for hardware can be offered after 24 Months of Service
- A security deposit of €5.000,- is payable to run the service at start of the contract.
- Monthly prepayment on 15th of current month for the next month.
- All hardware are offered EXW Leipzig – Germany, shipment and installation will be quoted and charged separately.
- All prices are net prices. Local VAT or any other taxes can apply where applicable.
Addons that we can offer with our solution:
Telemedical Maritime Health Assistance:
Medical advice and support for sudden illness or injuries at sea.
Assistance available 24/7 at any location through satellite connection.

Redundant Maritime Antenna:
Using a dual Maritime VSAT systems not only reduces the risk of signal blockages at high-seas but also increases the availability of your satellite link. The switch from one antenna to the next is made fully automatically for an always-on-internet at sea connection.

Network Management:
Network management for multiple users at vessel.
- Broadband data/voice/video prioritization
- Hotspot Management
- Access for crew and guests
- Ticketing system
- VoIP

Dual Band: Switch from KA-Band to KU-Band and vice versa seamlessly:

Do you need to inquire about a technical or financial issue?
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16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958 USA
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