KA-Band THOR Broadband Volume Service Packages

DCS TELECOM Volume GB THOR KA-Band Packages, offers a guaranteed Super Speed Up-to 20Mbps Hot-Link-Backup of share 1:2 CIR link for your business when your permanent means of communication fail.
No one want to find out his business blacked-out of Internet connectivity suddenly when his terrestrial infrastructure disconnected for any reason.
Restoring permanent connectivity is not an easy task, plus it takes unknown time frame. Time that is just valuable as much as lost business opportunities due to your employees are working offline while waiting for the permanent line to come back.
DCS TELECOM Hot-Backup THOR KA-Band Volume GB Packages gives your business an advantage to stay connected in a decent dedicated speed packages while your IT team are working on fixing the permanent connectivity taking their time with no pressure on them.
With different packages for speeds for backup, your overhead MRC is brought to the minimum while your business stay safe from sudden disconnections.
Checkout our service packages:
Online Quotation Form:
[ninja_form id=’14’]
Service Terms:
- No contract required
- No security deposit required
- Monthly allowed GB's Volume are the cumulative of Download + Upload
- After your monthly GB is consumed your service will automatically SUSPENDED till your next billing date resets or till you top-up for more GB’s. During this time you will not be able to use any Internet protocol including public IP's
- Unused monthly allowed Volume GB's and Top-up GB’s are expires at the start of your next billing month, No unused GB’s are transferred to the next month
- When you consume all your volume GB's, and want to upgrade to any other service volume GB's package before the billing date; you will be added only the difference between your old service and new service amount of GB’s, and your new billing date will be the date of the upgrade
- You can upgrade from volume GB’s package to Unlimited Broadband and switch back anytime but you must stay on the new service plan for at least one calendar month
- Extra GB top-up's are made in increasement of 1GB, and cost of 1GB = $10
- Extra GB payment are made in advance before adding it to your account
- Volume GB's services packages are paid monthly advance
- We offer a POC (Proof of Concept) FREE Demo for all our new potencial customers for 24 hours to check the quality of the service before subscribing
- This volume GB's service packages are introduced via iDirect Evolution platform and support all evolution series of modems (X1, X3, X5, and X7)
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16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958 USA
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